Saturday, September 8, 2012

Snooki's Baby

Hello my TRU seekers,

If you didn't know about 1, 2 weeks ago Snooki gave birth to her first child Lorenzo.  So, it's official, Snooki is a Mom!

All I can say is congrats to Nicole (Snooki) & Jionni. I know some of you are like 'Aw' or saying bad things about her.
But in my opinion she is going to change. I mean, when people have babies they change the way they live, and there lifestyle. I'm glad she's taking Motherhood seriously.

Baby Lorenzo 
In my opinion he looks like both Snooki and Jionni.

Lorenzo LaValle. 6-pound, 5-ounce August 26, 2012.

Again, congrats to the couple.


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